Books You Want for Christmas
But first, a little bit about this feature and the rules to join in…
1 - Write a post listing your TOP 5 choices within the theme Larissa chose for the week.
2 - Mention this Blog on the post and link back to it.
3 - Fell free to use the Feature's image (there is a smaller size version of it below Larissa's post)
4 - After you've finished your post, add your link (of the post, not your blog's main page) to the
Mr.Linky at the end of that week's post on Larissa's blog.
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Been wanting this for awhile! And now I have an ARC of Where She Went
(the second book) so I really need to read the first boo
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd box set by Heather Brewer
I met Heather Brewer at NCTE, and I was captivated by Vladimir as a character.
He seemed so genuine, and it really made me want to read these books!
Rockabye: A Young Mom's Journey From Wild to Child by Rebecca Woolf
I read Rebecca's blog Girl's Gone Child and I've been wanting to read a
more in depth story of her evolution from party girl to nurturing mother.
2 - Mention this Blog on the post and link back to it.
3 - Fell free to use the Feature's image (there is a smaller size version of it below Larissa's post)
4 - After you've finished your post, add your link (of the post, not your blog's main page) to the
Mr.Linky at the end of that week's post on Larissa's blog.

If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Been wanting this for awhile! And now I have an ARC of Where She Went
(the second book) so I really need to read the first boo
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd box set by Heather Brewer
I met Heather Brewer at NCTE, and I was captivated by Vladimir as a character.
He seemed so genuine, and it really made me want to read these books!
Rockabye: A Young Mom's Journey From Wild to Child by Rebecca Woolf
I read Rebecca's blog Girl's Gone Child and I've been wanting to read a
more in depth story of her evolution from party girl to nurturing mother.

War by Sebastian Junger
I have been slowly reading through all the literature on the
Iraq/Afghanistan War, and this is one of the premier books on
the subject. Want so much!!
Sorry it's late, been out buying Christmas presents. But better late than never!
Great List!! I bought the V Top box set on amazon, just waiting for it to arrive LOL