There are a a lot of these "What're you reading?" features around, so I figured, hey why not start one too? Basically, here's where I highlight the books I've read, the books I'm reading, and the books I'm going to read. Fun, right? Please join in if you want!

Peanut by Ayun Halliday & Paul Hoppe - I wanted to read this solely based on the cover, but then I found out it was a graphic novel, and that upped my interest a lot! I've been on a graphic novel kick lately and this is a great contemporary one! The idea of making up a peanut allergy to fit in at school or to make friends is hysterical. Really well written and illustrated, I loved it!
Chiggers by Hope Larson - Another edition to my graphic novel obsession, this book also focuses on the need to fit in. Taking place at summer camp, the girls in the book are all trying out new things and growing up. The story isn't super serious, but is funny and filled with emotion. The illustrations were sometimes a little unclear, as I had a hard time differentiating between characters. But it was very cute, and worth a read!
The Magicians by Lev Grossman - This has been on my TBR list for a while! I saw so many endorsements and comparisons to Harry Potter that I had to pick up. Now that I'm reading it, I don't really see the connection to Harry Potter except that there are schools of magic in both. But it is still super good! A lot darker and more adult; I can't wait to finish it and move on to the second book.
Death, Dickinson, and the Demented Life of Frenchie Garcia by Jenny Torres Sanchez - I am reading this as part of a blog tour through Book Nerd Tours that's going to be starting in June (keep an eye out for it)! I met Jenny Torres Sanchez at the Sunshine Book Tour this year, and loved her first book! This one sounds super awesome with the mix of Dickinson and death (read the summary) and while I'm just getting into it, it's really good so far!
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey - I have seen the praises being sung for this book all over the place! A sci-fi/dystopia, as soon as I heard of it I needed to get a copy. The best part is that Rick Yancey is coming to my local indie bookstore this Saturday! I need to get on this book ASAP (it may be replacing The Magicians for a little while), so I can have it read in time. So excited!
If any of you've read any of these books, let me know what you thought (but NO spoilers) down below in the comments!
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Happy reading!!!!