To start out I'm going to get back in the groove of thinking, writing, eating, breathing books with this really awesome survey I found at Eve's Fan Garden. I love doing these surveys, and I hope some of you do it too! There will be reviews coming, so please bear with me; the content is coming again, I promise! :)

1. Favorite childhood book?
My favorite childhood book changes in the expanse of my childhood. When I was really little I loved Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd. I couldn't get enough of that book. My parents and I would spend an hour saying goodnight to everything in my room just like in the book. Then as I got older (5-7) I devoured The Berenstain Bears series by Stan and Jan Berenstain. When my little brother was born, my parents got me The Berenstain Bears and the New Baby just so I could relate to what I was about to go through! I had so many of them, and I still love them now!
2. What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading: it changes constantly! While 2015 was a sloooooow reading year for me, I still read all over the place genre-wise. Of course, the books are 99.99% YA. YA is bae. But I am enjoying the hell out of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas! I don't know why I waited so long to devour these books!
3. What books do you have on request at the library?
Here's the thing about me and the library: I have a problem with returning my library books on time. After the 50th time of this happening I've put a personal band on myself. This is really funny considering I have a degree in Library and Information Sciences. I'm a librarian who can't even check out books from the library.
4. Bad book habit?
If I'm reading books I personally own, I have a tendency to write in them. This is an unfortunate habit left over from my undergraduate days as an English lit major. We have to explicate everything, so it is just automatic for me. If it's not my book then I have the bad habit of not returning them on time (I never want to let any books go!)
5. What do you currently have checked out at the library?
Nada (see #3)
6. Do you have an e-reader?
I use to have a Nook Color, but we all know what happened to that e-reader. I much prefer a hardcopy anyway. I love the smell, weight, and texture of a real book. Nothing can replace it, even for convenience sake.
7. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?
I read several books at once. This usually happens because if I get a new book I have to start reading it! Right now I'm reading six books, and starting three reviews. I also have like 100 books in my TBR list. It's a problem.
8. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?
My reading habits continually fluctuate, and I wouldn't say it's due to my blog. I've always been a reader, but with college my reading became more discerning. I read not only for pleasure now, but I also analyze books more closely. But I suppose there is a change due to blogging, just because I don't always get to choose when I read certain books, especially if they are specifically for review purposes.
9. Least favorite book you read this year (so far)?
I'm going to go with 2015 since I've only read 3 book so far in 2016. Out of all the books I read in 2015, I only had one Did Not Finish: One Thing Stolen by Beth Kephart. The premise sounded intriguing, and I got the book for review, but I just could not get through it. The style of writing was strange, and it was confusing right away. I think that might have been the point, but I just could not get into it at all.
10. Favorite book you’ve read this year?
Again, looking at 2015, hands down, no question about it, Uprooted by Naomi Novak was my FAVORITE BOOK! Maybe not even of the year, but Top Ten ever! It was such an amazing book, full of intriguing characters, beautifully built settings, and a non-stop engaging plot. If you like fantasy even a tiny bit, then you must get a copy of Uprooted!
I want to read Uprooted too! I really need to make time for it, but first, I need to get it from the library! I have a slight problem with not getting my books back on time too, but I've gotten better. I check my account religiously for the due dates.