quotes Elisquared likes

"Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself."— John Green

Showing posts with label currentreads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label currentreads. Show all posts


Past. Present. Future. January Edition

This feature hightlights the books I've read, the books I'm reading, and the books I'm going to read for each month! 

I'd love for you all to join in if you want! Leave me a comment to your post or just let me know in the comment what's your Past. Present. Furture. in books!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas - Why did I wait so long to start this series?!  I LOVED IT SO SO SO MUCH!  Definitely one of my top books I've read so far, and I don't imagine that changing.  If you're looking for a great fantasy read with a strong female protagonist and an interesting mythos, then you have to go pick this one up!

Built by Jay Crownover - Oooooh this was a very sexy but sweet book!  I'm not one for romance novels, but Jay has a talent to ground her stories in the real world.  Of course each of her men are deliciously tall, dark (or light), and handsome!  Zeb is no exception to this; good with his hands, both with building and with seducing.  Not a book for kids/teens, but a nice romp for ladies (and gents) if you're so inclined!
It's All Your Fault by Paul Rudnick - I am currently reading this for the blog tour for the book through Rockstar Book Tours (< Click for the tour schedule), and it is cute.  I'm a little on the fence on whether or not I really love it or just like it, but I haven't finished quite yet (gotta speed up!!!), so I'm waiting to formulate my complete opinion until then.

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - I am currently listening to this on audiobook, and I adore it! Will Patton is the narrator, and his southern drawl just adds to the atmosphere of the story set in Henrietta, Virginia.  I love love love all the characters: Gansey, Noah, Ronan, Adam, and especially Blue, are my baes!  I don't know why I waited so long to dive into this series, but as you can see below, I am all ready for Book 2 when this one is done!

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater - Can't wait to start this audiobook as soon as I wrap up The Raven Boys!  I am really enjoying listening to this story on audio, and can't get enough of these Raven Boys!  They are my baes!  Also, this book goes more in depth on the mythos surrounding Ronan, supposedly, who is my favorite bad boy!
Leveled by Jay Crownover - This is the novella that connects Jay's two series, the Marked Men series and the Saints of Denver series.  It is also divergent in that it is a M/M romance, which I think need to be out there even more.  I'm excited to read this book and then start in on the MArked Men series.

If  you've read any of these books, let me know what you thought (but NO spoilers) down below in the comments!


Babbling About Books - A Little Reading Q&A for the New Year

First, I'd like to apologize; I know I've been in and out of things here on Eli to the nth, and I really don't have an excuse other than life happens. I've been clocking in the hours at my full-time job, so this volunteer and fun job got put on the back burner.

To start out I'm going to get back in the groove of thinking, writing, eating, breathing books with this really awesome survey I found at Eve's Fan Garden. I love doing these surveys, and I hope some of you do it too!  There will be reviews coming, so please bear with me; the content is coming again, I promise! :)

1. Favorite childhood book?

My favorite childhood book changes in the expanse of my childhood. When I was really little I loved Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd. I couldn't get enough of that book. My parents and I would spend an hour saying goodnight to everything in my room just like in the book. Then as I got older (5-7) I devoured The Berenstain Bears series by Stan and Jan Berenstain.  When my little brother was born, my parents got me The Berenstain Bears and the New Baby just so I could relate to what I was about to go through!  
I had so many of them, and I still love them now!    

2. What are you reading right now?

I am currently reading: it changes constantly!  While 2015 was a sloooooow reading year for me, I still read all over the place genre-wise.  Of course, the books are 99.99% YA.  YA is bae.  But I am enjoying the hell out of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas!  I don't know why I waited so long to devour these books!

3. What books do you have on request at the library?

Here's the thing about me and the library: I have a problem with returning my library books on time. After the 50th time of this happening I've put a personal band on myself. This is really funny considering I have a degree in Library and Information Sciences. I'm a librarian who can't even check out books from the library.

4. Bad book habit?

If I'm reading books I personally own, I have a tendency to write in them. This is an unfortunate habit left over from my undergraduate days as an English lit major. We have to explicate everything, so it is just automatic for me. If it's not my book then I have the bad habit of not returning them on time (I never want to let any books go!)

5. What do you currently have checked out at the library?

Nada (see #3)

6. Do you have an e-reader?

I use to have a Nook Color, but we all know what happened to that e-reader.  I much prefer a hardcopy anyway.  I love the smell, weight, and texture of a real book.  Nothing can replace it, even for convenience sake.

7. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?

I read several books at once. This usually happens because if I get a new book I have to start reading it! Right now I'm reading six books, and starting three reviews. I also have like 100 books in my TBR list. It's a problem.

8. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?

My reading habits continually fluctuate, and I wouldn't say it's due to my blog.  I've always been a reader, but with college my reading became more discerning.  I read not only for pleasure now, but I also analyze books more closely.  But I suppose there is a change due to blogging, just because I don't always get to choose when I read certain books, especially if they are specifically for review purposes.

9. Least favorite book you read this year (so far)?

I'm going to go with 2015 since I've only read 3 book so far in 2016.  Out of all the books I read in 2015, I only had one Did Not Finish: One Thing Stolen by Beth Kephart.  The premise sounded intriguing, and I got the book for review, but I just could not get through it.  The style of writing was strange, and it was confusing right away.  I think that might have been the point, but I just could not get into it at all. 

10. Favorite book you’ve read this year?

Again, looking at 2015, hands down, no question about it, Uprooted by Naomi Novak was my FAVORITE BOOK! Maybe not even of the year, but Top Ten ever!  It was such an amazing book, full of intriguing characters, beautifully built settings, and a non-stop engaging plot.  If you like fantasy even a tiny bit, then you must get a copy of Uprooted!


Past. Present. Future. (27)

There are a a lot of these "What're you reading?" features around, so I figured, hey why not start one too? Basically, here's where I highlight the books I've read, the books I'm reading, and the books I'm going to read. Fun, right? Please join in if you want!

Zenn Scarlett by Christian Schoon - I received this book for review, and I'm so excited I did!  It's a really interesting look at a possible Earth future, and the veterinarian part in it, being an exoveterinarian dealing with alien lifeforms, is really cool.  The world that Schoon built is so all-encompassing that I think he could expand books beyond Zenn one day!    I really loved it; while it was slower, I thought the pace set up the coming action nicely!  Check out my review and my author post for the blog tour!
Brain Camp by Susan Kim, Laurence Klavan, & Faith Erin Hicks - I've been on a big graphic novel kick lately, and just randomly been picking ones from the library.  This is an excellent one!  the premise is super creepy and sci-fi while being set at a seemingly normal summer camp.  The points about love and companionship are poignant   I wish there was a sequel, but I didn't find one anywhere!  Really great read for the summer!

The Magicians by Lev Grossman - This has been on my TBR list for a while! I saw so many endorsements and comparisons to Harry Potter that I had to pick up. Now that I'm reading it, I don't really see the connection to Harry Potter except that there are schools of magic in both. But it is still super good! A lot darker and more adult; I can't wait to finish it and move on to the second book!

Requiem by Lauren Oliver - UH I NEED TO READ THIS!  I love this trilogy so much, and I have to find out what happens!  I can't believe I'm waiting this long since I got it the day it came out!  I'm (hopefully) going to see Lauren Oliver in May down in Miami!  I'll just pass out from the awesome in the room if that's the case!

If any of you've read any of these books, let me know what you thought (but NO spoilers) down below in the comments!


Teaser Tuesday (60)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
The Liar Society
by Lisa & Laura Roecker
Publication Date: March 1, 2011

The words blurred on the screen, and my hand went limp.  My phone clattered to the hardwood floor, the battery popping off and sliding beneath my bed.
          Dead best friends didn't send emails.
(Pg. 2)

I've been wanting to read this book for a while, and it came on sale (along with the next book in the series Lies that Bind) recently, so I snatched it up for my Nook!  I'm so glad I did, because it is a really fun book to read.  Full of mystery, murder, and mayhem, following Kate as she tries to find out the truth behind her best friend's death is a great ride!  Can't wait to find out what happens!


Teaser Tuesday (59)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
Sapphire Blue
by Kerstin Gier
Publication Date: October 30, 2012

          There it was again, that familiar tone of command.  "Oh, I'm sure," I said. "I'll just nod and keep my mouth shut, the way a nice girl should."
           I instinctively, definitely  crossed my arms.  Why couldn't Gideon act normal?  First he kissed me (more than once, at that!), then he was back talking like a lordly Grand Master of the Guardians' Lodge again.  What was the idea?
(Pg. 22)

This is the second book in the The Ruby Red Trilogy  and let me just say it is as amazing as Ruby Red (Book 1).  The take on time-travel and birth gems is really very interesting.  I'm so happy that this series was translated from German so I could get to enjoy it!  I love Gwen and I can't wait to read more and find out what crazy adventures and predicaments she and Gideon find themselves in.


Current Favorite Reads

 I think sometimes books deserve a little more TLC than a review. With that in mind, I've decided to highlight my "Current Favorite Reads". This might be for the last couple weeks, for a whole month, or even just for a few days. Please join in if you want!

I have four awesome books to share with you all!  Two awesome Contemporaries and two from a wonderful Supernatural series!  Let me know what your favorite current reads are and if you've read any of mine!!


Current Favorite Reads

I've decided to start a new feature here on Eli to the nth. I think sometimes books deserve a little more TLC than a review. With that in mind, I've decided to highlight my "Current Favorite Reads". This might be for the last couple weeks, for a whole month, or even just for a few days. Please join in if you want!

I have four awesome books to share with you all!  One middle grade, three young adult, and ALL amazing!  Let me know what your favorite current reads are and if you've read any of mine!!


Past. Present. Future. (11)

There are a a lot of these "What're you reading?" features around, so I figured, hey why not start one too? Basically, here's where I highlight the books I've read, the books I'm reading, and the books I'm going to read. Fun, right? Please join in if you want!

Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard - Oh god this novel was intense.  Not in a bad way at all, but I definitely had to be in the mood to read it.  I'm really digging the new "literature" genre that is popping up in YA; it shows that that style of book can and will be read by teens.  But on the flip side of that, it's a big issue to deal with and set in a time some students may not connect to.  However, the writing was gorgeous, and made me salivate with the lush feeling in my mouth.
The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer - I loved this book!  It was definitely skewed toward the younger group of middle grade, but it was still so enjoyable!!  The way Colfer took the traditional fairytales that we all know and love, and tweaked them into something new was great.  I kept wanting more and more, falling in love with the Land of Stories as I followed Alex and Conner around.  This is a book not to be missed!

Mothership by Martin Lecht & Isla Neal - Uh, this book is FREAKING HILARIOUS!  I usually stay away from pregnancy stories, but the summary hooked me!  And I'm so glad that I decided to read this book.  Lecht & Neal have created a snarky, funny, capable protagonist in Elvie, with some very fun supporting characters (I love Ramona and Ducky)!  This is a fun mix of contemporary and sci-fi that everyone should pick up; great debut of 2012!

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo - Ooooh this book is on top of my 2012 debut list!  Sounds like an awesome mystery/supernatural story, it takes place in a kingdom similar to Russia!  I love Russia, so yay!  I want to know how this Shadow Fold came to be, how Alina uses her power, and who the heck is the Darkling (or maybe what...?)!  I'm really excited to dive in! I PROMISE I WILL EVENTUALLY READ THIS (I should probably not promise this anymore......LOL)!

If any of you've read any of these books, let me know what you thought (but NO spoilers) down below in the comments!


Current Favorite Reads

I've decided to start a new feature here on Eli to the nth. I think sometimes books deserve a little more TLC than a review. With that in mind, I've decided to highlight my "Current Favorite Reads". This might be for the last couple weeks, for a whole month, or even just for a few days. Please join in if you want!

So this "Current Favorite Reads" is late being posted on here!  Sorry about that; I should have another one, actually, in a day or two....so yeah!  Enjoy!


Past. Present. Future. (6)

There are a a lot of these "What're you reading?" features around, so I figured, hey why not start one too? Basically, here's where I highlight the books I've read, the books I'm reading, and the books I'm going to read. Fun, right? Please join in if you want!

None!  I haven't had a chance to read anything new to make my old Present book a Past book! 

Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson - I'm really liking it so far. I'm only 25 pages in so I haven't gotten to the meat of the story. But I'm interested to read how Hurricane Katrina plays a part in ripping the veil between our world and the supernatural apart. Also there's a sexy pirate, which I'm always good with!

The Selection by Kiera Cass - I am finally going to get a chance to read this book! Ever since I saw this last year, I've wanted to get my grubby mitts on it! A gorgeous cover and an interesting story makes this book a "I can't wait to read you" contender!
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