quotes Elisquared likes

"Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself."— John Green

Showing posts with label fridaycovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fridaycovers. Show all posts


Friday Covers (12)

In this addition of Friday Covers let's look at one of my favorite book series, Heist Society by Ally Carter!  Each cover is so great, and flows into each other perfectly! 

Ally just realsed the cover for the thid book, Perfect Scoundrel, this week, and I have it down below for you to see!

This is such an amazing series, full of romance, intelligence, oh and theft!  But it's all for a good cause, I promise!  If you liked the movie Ocean's 11, then you'll fall in love with Katerina Bishop and her crew!

Heist Society (Book 1)

 Uncommon Criminals (Book 2)


Friday Covers (11)

In this addition of Friday Covers let's look at some pretty girls in pretty dresses!
Some are new obsessions and some are old favorites!

Wander Dust by Michelle Warren

The Selection by Kiera Cass

Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel

The Luxe by Anna Gobersen

Entwined by Heather Dixon

Wither by Lauren DeStefano

I know a lot of people are sick to death of pretty girls in pretty dresses, but I have to admit I adore them.  There isn't many places modern women/girls get to dress in such elaborate outfits.  Not only do these characters get an awesome dress, they usually have awesome adventures as well!  I freely admit I live vicariously through book covers; do not judge me!!!


Friday Covers (10)

In this addition of Friday Covers I am gushing over some awesome covers!

Each of these covers has an eerie, "other" sense to them.  I mean how creepy are some of them (This is Not a Test and The Name of the Star for instance).
I love the color palettes, the reds, blues, greens, and blacks (yes there are other shades of black).  All of these colors swirl together beautifully, and really pull me in visually.

On top of the colors, there are all these fantastic photographs.  I personally love photographs as opposed to illustrations, especially when they are done well like these.

What I especially love is that you can't see the eyes of any of the girls.  I believe in the whole "eyes to the soul" thing, and this allows me to really imprint the characters on these girls.

Love them all, and all the books sound awesome as well!  I really think that the covers ad a real layer to the experience of these stories, which is the real point of cover art.

Let me know what you think in the comments!


Friday Covers (09)

For this week's addition of Friday Covers, I'm highlighting some awesome re-imaginings of classic books that I found on Flavorwire.  
Don't you wish these were for real?

   Ben JonesMacbeth        Emmanuel Polanco
                                                             Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales

              Nan LawsonFranny & Zooey     Jillian TamakiThe Secret Garden

Jillian TamakiEmma                 Ryan HartleyDubliners

               Ben Jones1984               Emmanuel PolancoLolita

I love them all, but I think my favorites are Lolita, Emma, and Dubliners.
Which ones do you like?


Friday Covers (on Thursday!) (08): Awesome Book News!

Did you guys LOVE the cover of Across the Universe by Beth Revis? Well head over to her Facebook page to preview her new paperback cover for Across the Universe!!!

On the sidebar under the profile picture is a tab which says: "PAPERBACK REVEAL!"
All you have to do is click that and the cover will be shown.  
This is the first look, so how awesome is that?

Let me know what you guys think!  I love this book so I had such high expectations. 
Unfortunately, while the new cover is really great is doesn't compare in any way to this beauty:

I mean this one is also REVERSIBLE! 

 Definitely the best cover EVER!  Amiright?


Friday Covers (07)

Friday Covers is a weekly meme inspired by Cover Crazy, which is hosted by Tawni at The Book Worms.  The point of this meme is to admire the art and beauty of a book’s design.  In my interpretation, I'm not only admiring covers, but criticizing them as well.

This week I'm showing off another gorgeous cover from the Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La Cruz:
Lost in Time (Blue Bloods #6)

I love it so much!  If you've never read the Blue Bloods series, you really should.  They are fantastic vampire novels with a really interesting and original mythos to how vampires came to be.  Also each cover is gorgeous, and gives a hint to the reader about the setting of the book.  For instance, those are pyramids up there in the black outline, so expect to head to Egypt this time around.  I can't get enough of these covers and love that each book in the main series (there are two companion books as well) are the same design.  That is my one pet peeve, not having matching book covers!  Let me know what you think  of the cover in the comments!


Friday Covers (06)

Friday Covers is a weekly meme inspired by Cover Crazy, which is hosted by Tawni at The Book Worms.  The point of this meme is to admire the art and beauty of a book’s design.  In my interpretation, I'm not only admiring covers, but criticizing them as well.

This week I'm just showing off some covers.

First up are the Bulgarian covers of Shiver and Linger
(The Wolves of Mercy Falls series) by Maggie Stiefvater

 Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!  I really love love love these and kinda wish they were the ones we had in the U.S.  I do like that they kept the color schemes to each book, and I'm looking forward to seeing Forever in this edition.

Next is the U.K. edition of The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

While I really love the starkness of the U.S. edition, there is just something so awesome about this cover.  I think because it looks like a letter or a note that Charlie wrote.  Just great!


Finally, this is the Serbian (this is a huge guess based on a translator)
of Looking for Alaska by John Green:

I love the bright use of color.  yellow is such an eye-catching shade.  Also, I really like that it is a picture of sneakers because that demonstrates the journey within the book.

Let me know what covers have been on your mind and if you agree with my opinions here.



Friday Covers (05)

Friday Covers is a weekly meme inspired by Cover Crazy, which is hosted by Tawni at The Book Worms.  The point of this meme is to admire the art and beauty of a book’s design.  In my interpretation, I'm not only admiring covers, but criticizing them as well. 

Today is all about comparison.

     US Version                                            UK Version

These two covers are fantastic.  I really like them both.  It is interesting, however, to see the differences.  Looking at both of these covers each gives a different feeling of the story.

Let's look at the US version first.  The typeface is great.  I love the bold lines and the small caps of the letters.  Also the fact that the words overlap intrigues the eye.  I immediately wonder "Who is Will Grayson?"  In addition the color scheme is very appealing.  Each shade is eye-catching, especially the red.  And I don't know if this is just me but I see a heart in the pink.  This adds a layer of romance to this unknown Will Grayson.  The only problem I have with this cover is that it really doesn't tell me anything beyond the fact that the book is most likely about someone named Will Grayson. 

Okay, on to the UK version.  Again, great typeface.  There are two separate types differentiating each Will.  I love how one is capitalized and one is not, that one is in cursive and one is not.  This immediately helps me realize there are two Will Graysons.  Of course the drawing of two silhouettes is the biggest hint.  Both are slightly different and are a great representation of the two Wills.  Also the colors are just as eye-catching; red and blue are complimentary and work very well together.  The only problem I have is that they added a quote on the front.  I really dislike when publishers do this, I feel it detracts from the merit of the book.

But I defintely lovelovelove both of these covers, and I want to buy the UK version to oogle along with the US version.

Let me know what you think in the comments!


Friday Covers (04)

Friday Covers is a weekly meme inspired by Cover Crazy, which is hosted by Tawni at The Book Worms.  The point of this meme is to admire the art and beauty of a book’s design.  In my interpretation, I'm not only admiring covers, but criticizing them as well. 

For this Friday's post, I am NOT comparing book covers, which is a change from the last two Friday Covers.  Instead, I am gushing over a cover.  Specifically the cover of Hourglass by Myra McEntire.

Just take a moment to look.....gorgeous!  At first it is a little unsettling; because it is oriented portrait her hair falling past her face was freaky (mostly because I thought the wood was a door).  But then my sister came in and asked me why that girl was walking on the walls.  My eyes went O_o and I said "OHHHHHH!"  It was pretty stupid of me, but I fell in love even more.  I like how the cover does that; you think it's one thing then it turns into something else.  This speaks volumes for the book as well.  Can't wait!! 

As alwyas, Don't Forget to be Awesome!


Friday Covers (02)

Cover Crazy (which I'm renaming Friday Covers) is a weekly meme hosted by Tawni at The Book WormsThe point of this meme is to admire the art and beauty of a book’s design.  In my interpretation, I'm not only admiring cover during this meme, but criticizing them as well.  

For me, covers are what first catches my eye.  I try to leave judgment for the actual book summary, but it is hard when the cover is not appealing.  I think visually representing the book correctly is an important aspect of marketing, and definitely makes or breaks a book's sales.

For this Friday Covers I'm looking at Ned Vizzini's It's Kind of a Funny Story.  


This is the original release of the paperback cover.

I love this cover so much. In the book Craig, the protagonist, buckles under the pressure of his super competitive new high school, resulting in his thoughts of suicide.  He checks himself into the mental hospital, where he proceeds to learn a lot more about himself then any place else.  During his stay he starts to draw maps representing the different people he meets.

The reflection of that talent in the cover is awesome. Within the supposed head of Craig, is a partial map of Manhattan, the setting of the story.  It is simple with lines and geometric shapes, which brings the eyes to it.  The simplicity and bright colors are also eye-catching.  All in all one of my favorite covers.

Now we move on to the movie tie-in cover.

I do not like this cover one bit.  The only thing that makes it even decent at all is the inclusion of Noelle and Bobby, two other psych patients which help Craig deal with everything.  But other than that, nothing is good about it.

The pictures aren't really interesting and the colors are much duller.  I think the biggest one that is bringing the cover done is the picture of Keir Gilchrist as Craig and Zach Galifianakis as Bobby.  It doesn't add anything, and has a lot of muted colors.  At least with the top Picture with Gilchrist and Emma Roberts, as Noelle, this is the implied romance and the city in the background.


I feel like when the movie tie-in comes out the book looses it's integrity a tiny bit.  I know the point is to (1) let consumers know that the book is there, (2) to make money, but it makes me so angry when there is a flood of the movie tie-in cover and the original, which is almost always 10x better, gets lost or never carried in the store again.

Anyway that's all I really have to say.  Let me know in the comments what you think of the different covers, or if there is a book that you can think of which had that happen to it.



Friday Covers

This is a new feature, where I talk about & show some of my favorite book covers.

I am definitely a sucker for awesome cover art.  This is what usually captures my attention the most.
Lately I've had a thing with silhouettes.

Each of these overs share the aspect of silhouettes, and in many, the same colors.I love how simple and how complicated they are.  Each really evokes a feeling, be adventure, wonder, danger, or intrigue. 
I want to read each of these books just because of the covers, especially The Cabinet of Wonders and Deadly.  Both just capture me.  

The Cabinet of Wonders is just that, wonder.  The mix of the purples and yellows exude magic, and the addition of the cog pieces along with the lightning bolt hint at a little danger.  And this doesn't even have a cabinet on it, which I like because I kinda hate literal book covers.

Deadly has that yellow color which reflects disease.  Then the the outlines of the bugs in yellow just reinforce this feeling of sickness.  Juxtaposed with the girl in the elaborate dress it is very intriguing.

Comment and let me know what covers are making you happy this week!

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