quotes Elisquared likes

"Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself."— John Green

Showing posts with label johngreen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label johngreen. Show all posts


The Fault in Our Stars (Review)

Title: The Fault in Our Stars
Author(s)John Green
Edition: Hardcover, 313 pages
Publisher: Dutton Books
Publication Date: January 10, 2012
Source: Bought from Amazon
Buy: AmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository

The Summary
Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 13, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumors in her lungs... for now.

Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too; post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (whatever that means), Hazel lives tethered to an oxygen tank, the tumors tenuously kept at bay with a constant chemical assault.

Enter Augustus Waters. A match made at cancer kid support group, Augustus is gorgeous, in remission, and shockingly to her, interested in Hazel. Being with Augustus is both an unexpected destination and a long-needed journey, pushing Hazel to re-examine how sickness and health, life and death, will define her and the legacy that everyone leaves behind

My Opinion
I need to preface this review with the fact that it is difficult for me to articulate my feelings on this book. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green has impacted me in so many ways, and is truly one of the great literary pieces of our generation. This is a book that will be read for years to come, and I’m so happy to have had it in my life.

Green does an amazing job of telling a human story.  This book is about the basic human realities: life, death, love, loss, innocence, and cynicism.  Hazel is one of the most intensely real characters I’ve read; so real that at points it made me extremely uncomfortable.  But that is what makes Green’s writing so beautiful; he is able to craft a new reality with his words that transports the reader directly into the story.

It’s hard to talk about this book without giving away plot points, but the basic outline is this: Hazel Lancaster, the protagonist, was diagnosed with cancer at a young age.  she lives through her formative years dealing with this attack on her body, but she goes into recession thanks to a miracle drug.  Living to see her 17th birthday isn’t something Hazel or her parents thought possible before, but now she has the foreseeable future ahead of her.  And a part of that future involves one Augustus Waters.

Augustus and Hazel are a match made for the ages.  One of the things that Green so eloquently does is show that love, real love, is possible at any age.  Augustus is one of those boys who is a  melt-your-heart, let-him-be-mine boy.  But he isn’t perfect, giving him layers that are needed in this type of book.  The same with Hazel.  She isn’t perfect showing vulnerability and fear in the face of her life, but also great hope.  Hazel is pushed to live again by Augustus, and Augustus is shown the big picture by Hazel. Together they make each other better.

I know there is a lot of talk about this book.  It has been on numerous book lists, won awards, and been all over the literary world.  But that isn’t without due cause.  The ability to capture the human experience and tell a story that reads so much like fact is a gift.  This type of book can be used for future generations to look back on and go, “That’s how people thought then.”  The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a transformative work that should be required reading for both teens and adults.

Book Trailer

John Green Talks About TFIOS

John Green Reads Chapter One of TFIOS

Final Rating
Book Cover: 5/5
Book Title: 5/5
Plot: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Writing: 10/10
Ending: 10/10
Overall: 50/50: A+ (THE FIRST ONE EVER!)


A Revealing Haul

I am so excited to own this box set!  I know it may seem ridiculous to some people, as I already own copies of all these books (in some cases two already), but I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to 1) get Karen Kavett's amazing box design; 2) two of the covers are the new paperback editions in hardcover!  Also, it didn't hurt that John signed the copies of Looking for Alaska (sans candle!) and The Fault in Our Stars (with matching blue sharpie!).

You can still purchase the box set, but I believe all the signed editions are sold out.  Bummer.  You can also still order the posters; there are a couple of designs (John talks about them), but LIMITED editions are available (like the Motherfing Fox one is SOLD OUT!!), so get them asap!



Help Celebrate John Green Week!!!!

Starting tomorrow, a ton of blogs will be celebrating John Green Week!  This celebration counts down to the release of his new book, The Fault in Our Stars, releasing on January 10th (PS, there's still time to pre-order the book!).  I am really excited to be a part of the celebration!

I'm going to be hosting some posts about John Green's books, the Vlog Brothers Youtube channel he does with his brother Hank Green, and a giveaway where you can win some amazing prizes!!  Awesome right?

Here's a list of the great host blogs who helped conceive this awesome ode to such an awesome author!

Brittany & Farrah (I. Eat. Words.)
Ginger - (GReads Books)
Priscilla (The Readables)

You can head over to any of these fantastic blogs, and sign-up to participate, or if you personally don't want to write anything, definitely read a John Green book, check out all the awesome blog posts, and enter the many giveaways being hosted!

My posts for John Green Week:



I'm ending John Green Week with some awesome VlogBrothers videos which have something to do with  John's books!  LOTS of videos are listed!  But each one of them is awesome and will help indoctrinate you into the world of Nerdfighteria that much more!

I hope you are all enjoying reading your copies of The Fault in Our Stars (unless you're like me, who has to wait for Amazon to ship it to you...damn you postal service!!)

(p.s. I will announce the winner of my giveaway on Thursday!)

Looking for Alaska

An Abundance of Katherines

Paper Towns

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

The Fault in Our Stars

All the Books


John Green Week: The Pretty Covers

There is ONE MORE DAY until The Fault in Our Stars comes out! (Of course, some of my friends in Europe already got their grubby hands on it :shakes fist:...just kidding!)

Today, I thought it would be fun to look at all the very pretty covers of John's books!

Looking for Alaska

(Hardcover)                                                (Paperback)

An Abundance of Katherines

(Hardcover)                                                (Paperback)

Paper Towns


Will Grayson, Will Grayson


The Fault in Our Stars

What I really love about each of these covers (which are all the American covers, either hardcover or paperback) is that they are really thoughtful and gorgeous.  I think each are really long lasting, even with the ones with pictures of girls.  

But my absolute favorites are the ones which rely more on symbols/text.  I've always thought the hardcover of An Abundance of Katherines was so perfect.  It is striking with the mix of math symbols used within the title.  I also really, really love the paperback cover of Paper Towns.  The big red push pin is very eye-catching while still being so appropriate for the story.

Of course my new favorite it The Fault in Our Stars.  When it was very first released, it was much less polished.  I felt the text chosen was very simple, and the quote from Jodi Picoult was just across the top.  I love the design that was settled on, and I think the text and overall design is very arresting.  Definitely the best desgin that could have been done with the subject matter at hand!

What do you think of the covers?


Bookin' It Round the Web: John Green Edition

Everything about books intrigues me.  Because of this I'm subscribed to couple magazines, like American Libraries and the Chronicle of Higher Education, as well as a frequent troller of Publishers Weekly, NPR Books, and The New York Times Book section.   
Through these awesome resources, I've gathered a few interesting articles having to do with the book world!  I'm calling this feature Bookin' It Round the Web, and it will be periodically posted when I find some interesting news to share! 
This edition of Bookin' It Round the Web is going to be featuring John Green, the author we all know and love (or have learned about and started to love thanks to this awesome week!!).

If you haven't already figured it out, John is a pretty smart guy.  He gives really interesting interviews, and I don't really think he repeats himself as often as some authors I've read interviews about.  Just like his books, he tries to give a different perspective on things, which is so cool!

Below, I've compiled a collection of interviews all around the web!  I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did (some are even videos! Bonus!).


How To Be a Nerdfighter!

After I was done reading Looking for Alaska for the first time in Fall 2007 (I know, I was late to the party), I went online and searched for information about John Green to see if he had written any other books I could get my hands on.  Lo and behold, I found An Abundance of Katherines (which I immediately bought), but also this other thing called Brotherhood 2.0 on Youtube.

Brotherhood 2.0 was started on January 1 2007, by John and Hank Green, with the premise that the brothers would cease all text-based communication for a year and instead converse by video blogs every weekday.  For a whole year, John and Hank communicated this way, and it was fascinating!  Their channel, Vlogbrothers, has since gone beyond Brotherhood 2.0, and is now in it's 5th year of inception!

Through Brotherhood 2.0 a community was created called Nerdfighteria.  Nerdfighters are people who are full of awesome, who can be: other YouTube users; fans of John Green, Hank Green, or the Vlogbrothers show; as well as people who adopt the term because they believe they fit in with the community.  Pretty much if you follow the two rules: 1) Don’t be mean, and 2) DFTBA (Don't Forget to be Awesome) then you are also a Nerdfighter!

To learn more about the Vlogbrothers & Nerdfighteria, check out the videos below, & DFTBA!


Let's Play Truth Or Fail: John Green Books

John and Hank Green (who, for all you newbies to their awesome, are brothers) have this amazing Youtube channel called Vlogbrothers.  Through this channel, we, as fans of either John or Hank or Both (I'd go with both!), get to learn some crazy things, go on adventures, and just immerse in the awesome of Nerdfighteria (we'll learn more about this later in the week!)

But through their channel, Hank invented this awesome game called Truth Or Fail:
"An online test of your brain power, Truth or Fail is YouTube's first game show. Hosted by a variety of YouTube celebrities, Truth or Fail presents you with two supposed facts. All you have to do is click on the true one, or you fail."
And thus, entertainment for nerds around the world was born!

Below you will find the Truth Or Fail episode which is the most apt for John Green Week!
If you fancy yourself a true John Green fan (or you just know a lot about a lot of stuff) then I urge you to try your hand at the game, and DFTBA!

Trailer Thursday: The Fault in Our Stars

For this week's Trailer Thursday, I have an awesome one to show off!

Entertainment Weekly debuted the trailer for John Green's new book, The Fault in Our Stars, today and I have it here to share with all of you!!  

Oh wait, I have the LINK to it because it is exclusive to EW.com for right now.  But you can bet as soon it goes up on Youtube I'm embedding it right HERE!

As promised, the trailer:

(Still check out the nice interview with John)

Wasn't it awesome?

I think it's the first book trailer that is officially for one of his books; as far as I can tell others are fanmade.

I hope this is helping wet your appetite for this amazing book, and don't forget I'm hosting a giveaway in celebration of John Green Week (enter!), and "Don't forget to be awesome!"


Waiting on Wednesday: John Green Week Edition

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we seriously can’t wait for.

 Here's my pick for the week, that I seriously can't wait for:

Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 12, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumours in her lungs... for now.

Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (whatever that means), Hazel lives tethered to an oxygen tank, the tumours tenuously kept at bay with a constant chemical assault.

Enter Augustus Waters. A match made at cancer kid support group, Augustus is gorgeous, in remission, and shockingly to her, interested in Hazel. Being with Augustus is both an unexpected destination and a long-needed journey, pushing Hazel to re-examine how sickness and health, life and death, will define her and the legacy that everyone leaves behind.
There is SEVEN days (counting today) until The Fault in Our Stars comes out!!!  I've had mine on pre-order for quite a while, and I can't wait until I get to read it. I got to read the first two chapters, and they are just as good as all of John's other books, if not better.

The exciting thing is that you can still pre-order the book!  I know that John was super generous and signed each copy of the first printing, so if you go pre-order now you may get a signed book (some of them are even embellished with Hankler fishes and Yetis, which would be so sweet to get).  I, for one, cannot wait.  Best thing about it, it's like a birthday present to me!!  Huzzah!

Go help support such an amazing author as John Green.  And in the words of our esteemed writer: DFTBA!

Pre-order: Amazon, B&N, Book Depository, Books-A-Million, or at an indie bookstore

John Green Week: How Looking for Alaska Changed My Classroom!

For today's post I'd like to expound the awesome that is John Green and his book Looking for Alaska!! 


John Green: yes, I’m sure many of you have heard of him, have read his books, and think he’s awesome.  Well I do too.  (In case you are one of the few readers who have yet to read a John Green novel, you can find out more about him here or here).  In fact, John’s first novel, Looking for Alaska, is number two in my Top Favorite Books of All Time list.  Looking for Alaska follows Miles Halter, a.k.a Pudge, as he starts his junior year of high school at Culver Creek Preparatory.  There he meets the mysterious and compelling Alaska Young, and, with her, Miles’ life takes a profound turn.

To understand the importance that John Green played within my internship classroom, and where I really learned the effect of books, I’ve got to set the scene.  In my class, I noticed that many of the boys gravitated to non-fiction books.  I asked them why that was, and repeatedly they responded, “It’s real life.  We can see ourselves and our families in the characters.”  Fair enough.  This put a challenge to me because it is hard enough to motivate boys to read, and while I love non-fiction, I didn’t want them to be cut off from such a huge chunk of reading options.

Luckily John’s books, especially Alaska, were all sitting on my bookshelf waiting for me to gather them and give them away.  John is able to put forth characters that feel real.  This is especially important in contemporary YA.  Students, especially boys, want to be able to relate to a character, as I mentioned above.  My male juniors could immediately pick out the struggle for independence that Pudge goes through and the type of bravado that seems to fuel high school testosterone.  And of course a crush on the one unattainable girl is always relatable.  John explores themes in a safe and familiar way, through the eyes of an adolescent male.  The fact that it is a male writing a male character also creates a novel that boys can dive into (That’s not to say females can’t write in male perspective, but I always feel we miss a piece of that particular puzzle).  The best thing that John Green offers is a familiar boy in a familiar position.  Luckily, the girls in my class really love his books as well; win for everyone!

The introduction of contemporary literature is so important in today's schools, and I think John's books, and Looking for Alaska in particular, are a great way to bridge the gap between readers and books!  So to everyone looking to change a person's view of books, let me suggest any one of this John Green's amazing works.  And in the words of our esteemed writer: "Don't Forget To Be Awesome!"


John Green Week Giveaway!

If you didn't know, this week, January 3rd thru January 10th, a bunch of awesome book bloggers are celebrating the release of John Green's new book, The Fault in Our Stars, with John Green Week!

I am kicking off my celebration of all things John Green with a giveaway of some of his books!

I have a:
  • SIGNED copy of the Chapter Sampler from The Fault in Our Stars
  • SIGNED copy of Papertowns
  • A copy of Will Grayson, Will Grayson
  • A copy of An Abundance of Katherines
All of these prizes will be going to ONE lucky winner!!  

Some stipulations:
  • Must have a mailing address within the U.S. (Sorry, but I cannot afford shipping internationally right now!)
  • No P.O. Boxes please
  • Must be 13 years old or older
  • Must respond with address within 48 hours or a new winner will be picked
Thanks for entering!  I hope you guys check out my home post for more ways to celebrate the awesome that is John Green, and DFTBA!!
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