quotes Elisquared likes

"Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself."— John Green

Showing posts with label teasertuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teasertuesday. Show all posts


Teaser Tuesday (75)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

      Her sword slide out of its sheath with barely a whine.  She took a shuddering breath, bracing herself for what would come next.
      Lord Nirall's eyes flew open just as the King's Champion raised her sword over her head.
(Page 4)

I have no clue why I hadn't started this series sooner!  I devoured Throne of Glass, the first book in the series in one day, and moved on to the second, Crown of Midnight, as soon as I was done.  Ack, it is so good!  Engrossing story line with enough twists to keep you on your toes.  A fully developed world and characters that just make you want more.  And soul throughout the book guiding the words along.  I HIGLY recommend you read this series; I know most people already know that, but if you're one of the few like me, that had it sitting on the shelf just waiting, DON'T WAIT ANY MORE!!!


Teaser Tuesday (74)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

The Casquette Girls
Alys Arden
November 15, 2015

      The familiar tunes made my desire to be home grow more and more intense.  I cranked the window handle, letting the humidity roll in, along with the unexplainable presence---the je ne ais quoi of the city.  The muggy air hit my face, making me smile with nervous anticipation as I watched the cypress trees go by.  They had once been tall enough to hide the swampy marshes, but now they were mostly snapped in half like twigs.  (pg. 13-14)

I was lucky enough to win this book from Goodreads Firsts and it really intrigues me.  It's set right after the destruction of New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina and the rebuilding of the city.  But with the storm other things are awaken and descend upon the returning citizens of the once lively city.  Adele, the main character, is wrapped up in the mystery and I can't wait to find out what happens!  A very think book, but it seems pretty fast-paced so far.  If you've read it already, let me know what you thought in the comments!


Teaser Tuesday (73)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

What We Left Behind
Robin Talley
October 27, 2015

      I was pretty sure I was hallucinating.
      Beautiful, blond straight girls you've never seen before don't just come up to you at your Homecoming dance and start disco dancing with you out of nowhere.  Not in normal life. 
(pg. 17)

I got this book for review, and I am loving it so far.  I really love that there are more and more GLBTQ+ representation and lead characters within YA books.  It is important to reflect all teenagers within the books they read and to tell the stories with GLBTQ+ persons as the main protagonists; these heroes go a long way to helping both GLBTQ+ teens and straight teens see the world reflected back at them. 

I think that Robin Tulley tackles a difficult to portray subject in a very real way.  Transitioning, both in life and in self, is a difficult and confusing journey.  I think that she captures that journey for Toni and Gretchen magnificently.


Teaser Tuesday (72)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

Naomi Novik
May 19, 2015

      Our Dragon doesn't eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside our valley. 
(pg. 1)

I can't gush enough about this book!  As you can see, from line one the narrative grabs you and takes you on a journey.  It is a journey both familiar and alien, like you're stepping into a dream you once had.  Each character in this book is necessary to the story, and feel like whole, complete people, even if they are only in the book for a few pages.  Novik is a craftswoman at the highest degree, and I want to live in the world of Uprooted.  If you don't read but one book this year, make it this one!


Teaser Tuesday (71)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

Harrison Squared
Daryl Gregory
March 24, 2015

      I knew she was coddling me.  Pretending that everything was going to be all right.  Lying to children, I understood, was an adult's first job. (pg. 82)

From page one this book has had me hooked!  I am currently reading it for review through Rockstar Book Tours (check them out; I've gotten to read some great books through them), and boy, this one is gonna be good.  Really strange, and funny too, this book is haunting with (there is no other way to describe it) a Lovecraftian tone.  If you're into mysteries of the supernatural variety, this book will be right up your alley.  Dropping on March 24th, be sure to check out my review for the book on the blog March 23!


Teaser Tuesday (70)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

Lola and the Boy Next Door 
Stephanie Perkins
September 29, 2011

     "I'll go with you---"
     "No. You won't."
     Cricket wants to argue. He wants to make sure I get home safely. But he knows if he comes with me, he'll cross a line that I don't want crossed. He'll lose me.
     So he says goodbye. And I say goodbye.
     And as the train pulls away, I feel like I've lost him again anyway.  (pg. 208)

LOVED IT! I think a teenie tiny bit more than Anna (I know right?!) I LOVE Lola's attitude, and that she understands that some of her actions are selfish. I love how the relationship conundrum is handled, and that it isn't all neat and perfect. Love is messy! Andy and Nathan (Lola's parents) are adorable; I like when parents in YA have a realistic role in their child's life. No one lives in a vacuum. And this book makes me want to visit San Francisco/Berkeley/The Castro so much even with only the glimpses of the city within it's pages. But the part that made me smile the most was glimpsing the continuing story of Anna and Etienne!  Great book to curl up with in bed and finish in one sitting!


Teaser Tuesday (69)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

The Carnival at Bray 
Jessie Ann Foley
October 1, 2014

 "One by one, she watched the lights of the carnival booths winking out, and still the ride climbed higher.  She looked east, out to where there was nothing but waves and darkness.  Breathing in the dampness, Maggie wondered what would happen if she tumbled out of her seat, splashing into the lapping nothingness, and how long it would take before someone noticed she was gone." (pg. 8)

This is the book of the month for the YA Book Club I go to at Inkwood Books (come join us if you live in Tampa, FL).  I've just started it, but I'm hooked.  I love that it's set in the 90s grunge music era and has a large focus on music.  Music is so important, and I know growing up, my friends and I used music to channel EVERYTHING we were feeling.  Jessie Ann Foley captures this perfectly so far, and I'm excited to finish the book out.  If you've already read The Carnival at Bray, let me know what you thought!


Teaser Tuesday (68)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

June 17, 2014

          Locked in her cell, alone but for the drip of water and the slow beat of her heart, the girl knew the stories of Izumrud were true.  She had been swallowed whole, devoured, and in the echoing alabaster belly of the White Cathedral, only the Saint remained.
(pg. 2)

Uh, if you haven't read The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, you need to come out of your sad rock because IT IS AMAZING!!  Ruin and Rising is the last book in the trilogy, and I LOVE it!  Such a strong female protagonist, and a really captivating and complex world.  The characters are all multi-dimension, and there are surprises all over the place.  Worth reading because from pg. 1 of the first book, Shadow and Bone, you will be hooked!  GO!  Grab your own copy noooooowwwww!!!


Teaser Tuesday (67)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

Kim Askew and Amy Helmes
January 18, 2013

          Part of me always knew that first summer with Craig was too good to be true, and of course, I was right.  Beth Morgan sunk her talons into him on the second day of school sophomore year, and there was no turning back.  My dream scenario of being Craig's reason for living vanished overnight, I got demoted to the gawky "kid sis" while the marauding Miss Morgan was granted saliva-swapping privileges.
(pg. 15)

With my English Education background, I'm always on the look out for books that can be used in a classroom curriculum.  Books that take classic stories and remix them are great examples, and the Bard's works are always abounding throughout the YA collection.  Exposure is no exception, re-imaging Macbeth in a modern day.  This is The 2nd book in the series, Twisted Lit Novels by Merit Press; Book 1 is Twisted, a new take on The Tempest.  Check them both out!


Teaser Tuesday (66)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

Jenny Torres Garcia
May 28, 2013

          Living here I should be use to death.  But every time a procession goes by, I wonder about the person inside the hearse.  Did they live happily but die horribly? Or maybe the lived horribly but died happily?  Or worse, maybe the lived horribly and died horribly.
(pg. 11)

I met Jenny Torres Garcia at the Sunshine Author Tour last month, and she was talking about this book!  I wanted to read it so badly, so I am SO excited to be a part of the blog tour for it!  It is really good so far, quirky and full of black humor.  It is a unique contemporary, and it is definitely going to be added to my favorite books of 2013!  Check out for yourself on May 28th, and read her other book, The Downside of Being Charlie, in the mean time!


Teaser Tuesday (65)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

Lauren Oliver
March 5, 2013

          You should've stayed.  That's Hana, reaching out across an expanse of time, through the murky-thick layers of memory, stretching a weightless hand to me as I am sinking.
(pg. 1)

I am going to see Lauren Oliver this Saturday!!!!!  She is going to be at Books & Books in Miami, and I am so freaking excited!  I have to hurry and finish reading so I can be all caught up!  Oh I can't wait!  Hopefully, I'll be able to get something to share (maybe a book signed?)!  But if you haven't read these books yet GET ON IT!  They're so very good, and Requiem is turning out to be a crazy intense ending to this awesome trilogy!


Teaser Tuesday (64)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

Christian Schoon
May 7, 2013

          "Checklists, novice," he said.  Apparently, the lecture wasn't over yet.  "We have them for a reason.  What's the first item on the list when treating mega-fauna?"
          "Big animals are dangerous.  Small mistakes are deadly," she intoned, her face going even redder as she recited this, the most basic principle of all.
          I know what went wrong, Otha.

I'm really loving this book!  I have the awesome opportunity to be part of the blog tour, and I can't wait for you all to read my review!  This world that Schoon is building has so much potential.  I love Zenn, but it could go out past her story.  It feels very Ender's Gamesque, in terms of world building.  But it has this fun added aspect with exoveterinarians that aren't in many books (vets in general I mean).  I encourage you all to check it out in May!


Teaser Tuesday (63)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
by Kristen Simmons
Publication Date: May 14, 2013

       This one was especially bad.  Not only was he rocking the gelled hair, he'd moved into the one creepy, pseudo-Victorian mansion in town.  He might as well have hung a sign blaring, HERE THERE BE VAMPIRE.
(Pg. 2)

I can't believe I get to read this!!  I'm so excited to be able to promote it (I''l be doing more promotion closer to the release date).  I love Rachel Hawkins' writing, and her Hex Hall series!  School Spirits is a companion to that series, following Isolde Brannick and her journey.  I'm loving the book already; as you can see, it has Hawkins humor in it!!


Teaser Tuesday (62)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
Article 5
by Kristen Simmons
Publication Date: January 31, 2012

       "Lori Whittman, you are under arrest for violation of the Moral Statutes, Section 2, Article 5, Part A revised, pertaining to children conceived out of wedlock."
(Pg. 17-18)

I am so excited to share this book with you!  I'm re-reading it in preparation for going to Kristen Simmons book launch for the second book in the series, Breaking Point!  Article 5 is such an amazing dystopia, and I'm so excited to meet Kristen and hear about the next chapter of Ember's journey!  Seriously, the action is non-stop and really great.  Ember's not sure who to trust, but she's going to fight to survive!


Teaser Tuesday (61)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
Pretty Crooked
by Elisa Ludwig
Publication Date: March 13, 2012

        Still, I kept moving, breathing hard, and leaning forward to urge my old bike on. The wind whipped against my hoodie, taunting me with its ease. Coyotes called to each other in the distance, their high-pitched whimpering like balloons loosing air. Or was that the sound of fate catching up to me?
        I am so completely dead, I thought.
(Pg. 1)

I got this books last year in a giveaway, and it's been sitting on my shelf ever since.  so in light of my 2013 TBR Pile Reading Challenge, I've decided to pick it up.  And it was a very good decision because this book is filled with humor and awesome pop culture references.  Willa is such a fun protagonist to follow, and I can't wait to learn more about her "robin hood" escapades.  Valley Prep is just like those schools you hear about from TV, rich and discriminating, but Willa is working to change all that!  Fun and quick, I think you should all check out Pretty Crooked!


Teaser Tuesday (60)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following!
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share a few teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • MAKE SURE NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (you don't want to give too much away and ruin the book for other readers)
Share the title and author too, so that other readers can add your book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
The Liar Society
by Lisa & Laura Roecker
Publication Date: March 1, 2011

The words blurred on the screen, and my hand went limp.  My phone clattered to the hardwood floor, the battery popping off and sliding beneath my bed.
          Dead best friends didn't send emails.
(Pg. 2)

I've been wanting to read this book for a while, and it came on sale (along with the next book in the series Lies that Bind) recently, so I snatched it up for my Nook!  I'm so glad I did, because it is a really fun book to read.  Full of mystery, murder, and mayhem, following Kate as she tries to find out the truth behind her best friend's death is a great ride!  Can't wait to find out what happens!
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